Chimbala (-16.2752723°, 27.6789708°)

Chimbala is an agricultural village situated on the edge of the Tongan Plateau overlooking the Gwembe Valley, lying 35km from the nearest town - economic development has been stalled by a 7km disconnect from the nearest truckable bush roads. This isolation has hindered economic progress, confining the community largely to subsistence farming.

The heartbeat of Chimbala is its agricultural activities, including small cattle kraals and cultivation of maize, cassava, and sorghum. While there is a small school in the village, the absence of local secondary education limits opportunities for youth, leaving many in a cycle of underemployment and educational constraints.

Our partnership with Chimbala is driven by a singular mission: to break the cycle of poverty and create new avenues for youth empowerment. Recognizing the potential locked within this vibrant community, The Euroza Foundation initiated a transformative pilot program.

Our journey in Chimbala began with a youth agricultural training scheme focusing on cash-crop farming of sunflower seeds. This initiative not only equipped local youths with essential farming skills but also led to a successful first harvest. Encouraged by this success, the Village Headwoman allocated community land for further cultivation, laying the groundwork for sustainable growth.

Building on this momentum, we launched the Chimbala FC Hammermill project – a youth-owned maize processing facility that captures value-added production within the community. This facility not only empowers local farmers by enabling them to command higher prices for their maize but also provides sustainable employment and asset ownership for youth participants.

Profits from the hammermill project are funneled into a community fund, democratically used for village impact projects. This model of profit-sharing has already financed initiatives like a community piggery project and a youth maize seed bank, creating a cycle of reinvestment and communal benefit.

Our efforts extend beyond agriculture, with a youth sports program that has already borne fruit. In its inaugural year, this program nurtured talent like a goalkeeper who now plays for Zambia’s Division 2 - New Monze Swallows FC, showcasing the diverse potentials within Chimbala.

In Chimbala, each step forward is a stride towards a future filled with opportunity and growth. The Euroza Foundation is committed to nurturing this journey, believing in the untapped potential of Chimbala's youth and the enduring strength of its community.